a young girl
Image by Jeff Allvin.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of InnerSelf.com, wishing you a day of knowing you are more than "good enough" (today and every day).

Comment from Marie:
 Most of us have been raised in a culture where impossible images are set up as goals... tall, blonde, pretty, skinny, flat tummy, etc. But what about those of us who are brunettes and short and don't look like a movie star? Does that mean that we are below or not as good as others? NO!

The "appearances code" of society is demeaning to women (and to men) making appearance more important than the content of our heart and our mind. We must discard these false images of glamour and beauty, and instead focus on being a beautiful person on the inside... having a beautiful loving soul... which we all have and just need to give ourselves permission to express.  

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

October 15, 2024

The focus for today is:

I am truly good, valuable, worthy, and
don’t have to do something to be loved.

Today's inspiration was written by Toni Bergins:

The most common and false limitation that plagues people is feeling and believing that they’re not good enough. The concept that we’re not enough is often a conditioned belief based on societal expectations.

If you’re stuck in a constant state of “not enough” and perpetual self-criticism, then you might be missing the enjoyment of life. Grappling with false beliefs that have been instilled in us, either intentionally or by accident or abuse, takes time, but it’s possible to heal these old, conditioned beliefs, root them out, and replace them with new overlays of love, worthiness, and self-acceptance.

Discovering that you’re truly good, valuable, worthy, and don’t have to do something to be loved can be emotionally freeing. This quality offers a shift in perspective and gives you a chance to practice this shift whenever you need it. 

CONTINUE READING: Read the complete article here.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the InnerSelf.com article:

4 Steps to Fully Embrace Your Body Image and Love Yourself

By Toni Bergins.

Read the complete article here.

The focus for today: I am truly good, valuable, worthy, and don’t have to do something to be loved.

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

 * * *


Embody: Feel, Heal, and Transform Your Life through Movement
by Toni Bergins, M.Ed.

A new paradigm for embodied healing in a unique, experiential, therapeutic process in which expressive movement, guided imagery, ritual, music, and creative expression work together.

In Embody, Toni Bergins, the founder and creator of JourneyDance, an internationally renowned dance movement program, shares with readers a powerful way to address trauma mindfully so people can confront it, heal, and grow to love themselves unconditionally, just as they are. Embody is a dynamic, conscious practice that can help people release what no longer serves them and shows them how to stop stuffing/numbing the pain and start feeling, stop over-thinking/limiting, and get moving!

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.  Also available as an Audiobook and a Kindle edition. 

About the Author

Toni Bergins, M.Ed., is an embodiment trailblazer who has taught at the premier holistic healing centers for the last 27 years. She is on permanent faculty at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, and has worked there as a movement artist, dance educator, expressive arts workshop leader, and expert in creating transformational workshops. Her new book is, Embody: Feel, Heal, and Transform Your Life through Movement (Health Communications Inc., Oct. 29, 2024. Learn more at JourneyDance.com.