Image by Matthias Cooper

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

August 2-3-4, 2024

The focus for today is:

I stop being self-critical and show myself more love.

Today's inspiration was written by Jude Bijou:

We rarely feel satisfied with ourselves, trying to measure up against an invisible standard or believing if we had or did something else - got married, earned more money, looked more beautiful, had more time - we'd finally be happy and feel worthy.

Whenever we criticize ourselves, we compound the issue. We turn one problem into two - there's the social blunder, a poor financial decision or disapproving glance in the mirror - and the demeaning self-loathing that follows.

To stop being self-critical and show yourself more love, you must learn that you are whole, complete, and worthy, no matter what. You must realize you are perfect just the way you are, from the first day of your life until the day you die.

Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
     Getting Rid of the Self-Critical Albatross That's On Your Back
     Written by Jude Bijou.
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of dropping the self-criticism (today and every day)

Comment from Marie:
It is said that we are our own worst enemy... and this can be true. When we constantly put ourselves down with self-criticism, judgment, and bad mouthing ourselves, we are indeed our own worst enemy. The good news is that in this case it only takes one to create a loving relationship with yourself. Accept that your are perfect just as you are even with your imperfections. You are a seedling on its way to becoming a strong powerful tree. It's a process. Love and accept yourself just where you are on the journey, and know that you are continually growing and changing day by day. Loving and accepting yourself just as you are now will make the journey not only easier but much lighter and enjoyable. 

Our focus for today: I stop being self-critical and show myself more love.

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

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RELATED BOOK: Attitude Reconstruction

Attitude Reconstruction: A Blueprint for Building a Better Life
by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.

Attitude Reconstruction: A Blueprint for Building a Better Life by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.With practical tools, real-life examples, and everyday solutions for thirty-three destructive attitudes, Attitude Reconstruction can help you stop settling for sadness, anger, and fear, and infuse your life with love, peace, and joy.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.

About the Author

Jude BijouJude Bijou is a licensed marriage and family therapist (MFT), an educator in Santa Barbara, California and the author of Attitude Reconstruction: A Blueprint for Building a Better Life. In 1982, Jude launched a private psychotherapy practice and started working with individuals, couples, and groups. She also began teaching communication courses through Santa Barbara City College Adult Education. Visit her website at