Does eating processed and red meat like ham and bacon increase your risk of type 2 diabetes? A new study shows a modest link between these meats and diabetes, but a balanced diet and lifestyle can...

  Long COVID can cause deep lung scarring, but new research in mice shows that targeting specific immune cells may reverse the damage. This breakthrough study could lead to new treatments,...

Learn how to find peace with five simple yet powerful strategies designed to calm your mind and reduce fear. Discover the connection between peace and fear, and how managing your emotions with...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

Learn how to overcome resistance and free yourself from limitations with mindful strategies that transform resistance into a powerful ally on your journey to personal growth.

Discover the 4 key rules for successful co-parenting after divorce. From mutual respect to consistency, learn how to navigate the challenges and build a healthy co-parenting relationship.

  Global trade history has paved the way for our interconnected world, evolving from ancient routes like the Silk Road to the complexities of modern-day globalization. Explore how wars,...

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Kingsley L. Dennis
It is my understanding that global humanity presently stands on the verge of an unprecedented shift toward drastic social change. And this sudden change may come about amid a melting pot of social vul...
Civilizations emerge and evolve when they are governed by a creative minority that inspires the people. In turn, civilizations enter decline when the dominant minority prefers to follow a status quo o...
Our “civilized” societies often direct attention away from the need for an individual to act authentically — that is, driven not by externally motivated desires but from genuine internal impulses. It...
The struggle for our minds is about waking up to the great social and cultural change happening in our midst; pulling our minds away from distraction, ignorance, and old programming; and realizing the...
There are increased energies pouring into the Earth and the danger here is that the varied social matrixes in which many people live will flood the mental airwaves with increased images of catastrophe...
It is important that we ourselves participate in an effort to shift our thinking patterns, to develop a new mind-set. If a person’s mind-set is rigidly fixed into the old patterns of thinking, then th...
These coming years will be unique within humanity’s living memory in that our history will witness the transition from the final era of a now fading world paradigm to a new, upgraded one. Many people...
According to social commentator James Howard Kunstler, those of us who presently live in the comfortable Western countries are facing “the comprehensive downscaling, rescaling, downsizing, and relocal...