How Does One Find God?
Image by fikret kabay

Q: How does one find God?

A: The very question makes the supposition that you are lost to God. Your question places us in an immediate problem of cultural syntax. The Judeo-Christian tradition has conditioned many to believe that God exists outside of the body-temple in some remote far away region. This negates the idea of an indwelling God.

Your spiritual hunger -- your search for God -- is the desire to become holy, wholly unified in mind, body, and spirit. It is a desire to leave behind feelings of isolation, disconnection, and fragmentation. This unity can happen! There are many examples of the achievement of this unity among the leaders of the world's leading sacred traditions of Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam.

The Mental Desire to Find God

My practical advice to you is to give up the mental desire to find God. The very nature of the mind insures that it will always operate in a way to keep you from realizing God. If the nature of God is infinite -- which it is -- then it exists beyond a finite mind. The human mind struggles to grasp the nature of the infinite, so therefore, attempting to find an infinite God through the mind becomes pointless.

And if by chance, you were to discover God through your rational mind, might you not then make God familiar in same way or anthropomorphic? Wouldn't your rational mind attempt to explain the Divine into ordinariness or find some reason, no matter how small for doubt?

Accepting Divine Love

If you want to find God, accept the feelings of Prema -- the highest love -- the divine love that the Masters are consistently flowing toward you in this moment. Don't think about it, just feel it. You can do this by tuning into your heart, and experiencing the subtle currents of blissful Prema that flow through your own body. Breathe them in. Expand them and continue to feel them.

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This natural process of finding God by tuning into the love within you is a very high practice. You are actually giving yourself permission to open to what is already eternal and part of your life. It is your life. It is a magical mystery tour into the enchantment of your own divinity.

When Jesus taught, "Leave all and follow me", the Master was encouraging you to leave behind all your false notions and every condition that prevents you from knowing that the divine parent you seek is your very heartbeat. Your heartbeat is your connection to this ancient path, the eternal religion of Prema -- the Universal spiritual path of Love.

Love Is God, You Are Love

There is no separation between you and God, just the union of Love. As you surrender to the wave vibrations of eternal love within you, you automatically discover God.

With prema, from my heart to yours -- Namasté!

Article written by the author of:

The Initiation
by Prema Baba Swamiji (as Dr. Donald Schnell)

book cover: The Initiation by Prema Baba Swamiji (as Dr. Donald Schnell)Donald Schnell had been a devotee of Eastern gurus, directed a Siddha Yoga ashram, and had coauthored a book on alternative health. Then he answered a call to India that began an extraordinary spiritual adventure. At a remote temple, he encountered Babaji, the immortal yogi of ancient lore. In a series of mesmerizing, dream-like interludes, Schnell received Babaji's blessing of prema (divine love), and he was empowered to bring the master's "new spirituality" to the West. With humor and candor, Donald Schnell, Prema Baba Swamiji, has shared with us his journey toward enlightenment. It will move many to rededicate themselves to their own spiritual discipline.

Info/Order this book. Also available as an Audiobook and a Kindle edition. 

About The Author

photo of Dr. Donald Schnell (aka Prema Baba Swamiji)Dr. Donald Schnell (aka Prema Baba Swamiji) is the author of The Initiation, a spiritual adventure story about his initiation into the Ancient Order of Swamys by the eternal Babaji in India. He is a widely respected expert in the fields of metaphysics, occult phenomenon, Eastern spirituality, medical hypnosis, nutrition, exercise, and yoga. Prema Baba Swamiji conduct spiritual workshops. Visit