Imagine the presence of a great warmth that feels utterly nurturing, good, and peaceful. See it as the most beautiful color or colors that you can imagine.
Notice your emotions.
- What color or colors are they?
- What shapes do they make?
Notice your thoughts.
- Again, what colors are they?
- What shapes do they have?
Notice the energies of your physical body.
- Where are they moving?
- Where are they not?
Try slightly adjusting the way that you are sitting and see if your energies move more freely in your body.
- Notice how the planet feels, both the earth under your feet, and the sky all around.
- What does the Great Mother, the earth itself, wish to say to you?
Go back now to your body.
- Find a place of tension in it that has something to say to you, and ask what that is.
- When you are done, take a deep breath, let it out, and then take another.
- Let that tension go.
Remember a happy feeling from the past, or imagine one now.
- If you like, tie it to a scene or image.
- Feel the feeling. Be in the middle of it.
- Let the happiness of that feeling fill you full and overflow beyond you, filling the room.
- Imagine sharing it with loved ones, and receiving their happiness as well.
- Continue exploring this happiness. If it has a color and shape, see it; if it has movement, feel it.
- Ask it to open itself to you, so that you can be a part of it.
This meditation is excerpted from the book:
Meditations for Self-Discovery
by Shepherd Hoodwin.
Click here for more info or to order this book.
About the Author
Shepherd Hoodwin is an intuitive, workshop leader, and teacher. He also does past-life therapy, counseling, and channeling coaching (teaching others to channel). He is the author of: "The Journey of Your Soul -- A Channel Explores Channeling and the Michael Teachings", "Meditations for Self-Discovery -- Guided Journeys for Communicating with Your Inner Self", "Loving from Your Soul -- Creating Powerful Relationships", and "Opening to Healing Energy". Shepherd can be contacted through his website at
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