soul journal
Journal Image by CharuTyagi

Journaling is a particularly powerful way to connect to Soul. In fact, if we were to advocate for any one spiritual practice, it would be regular Soul journaling.

Although some people have a resistance to writing, we have seen incredible improvements just by adding this element to a client’s practices. This consistent practice is the perfect way to hold ourselves accountable and expand consciousness between the ego and the Soul. It builds trust, communication, and understanding that is crucial for the ego-to-Soul relationship.

Soul journaling is a way to spend time with your Soul — the ultimate self-care date. Through the simple devices of paper and pen or a computer, we ask questions ranging from the seemingly small (Should I go for a walk today?) to the biggest imaginable (What is the meaning of life?).

Because the practice is so straightforward and even obvious, we can be tempted to minimize its power. Yet this small action of sitting down and consciously setting the intention to hear directly from our Soul makes all the difference.

Connecting to Soul

Connecting to Soul is connecting directly to your core of love. By regularly practicing Soul journaling, you will align your external, physical life with the specific reasons you are alive on the planet.

Especially in the beginning, do not worry about how many of the details of your Soul journaling are accurate. First, concentrate on building the connection so you start to know and feel the “personality” of your Soul. Over time, your accuracy will naturally improve. This attitude takes the pressure of perfectionism off the ego and allows the natural healing energy work between ego and Soul to take place.

Besides increasing our intuitive accuracy, remember, Soul journaling is an opportunity to be in the energy of your Soul. We see the benefits that happen through Soul journaling as not only increased intuition but also powerful energetic healing. Think of it as Soul medicine.

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The How-To of Soul Journaling

You may write with a pen or pencil in a journal or type on the computer. If you want to keep it private, you can always create a password-protected document or email entries to your own email account.

You can Soul journal first thing in the morning or in the middle of the night. Everyone is different, so see what works best for you. The best type of Soul journal is the one you are using!

Here are some Soul journaling instructions and prompts to get you started:

1. Name your Soul. 

The Soul self is vastly different in identity and energy from the egoic self. Personifying the Soul helps the ego build a relationship to it and translate its powerful information. Avoid using your own name (so as not to confuse Soul information with egoic information) or the name of a friend or relative (to prevent connecting with the wrong Soul).

Don’t be too worried about finding the perfect name for now. You can change the name later as you deepen the relationship. Here are three ways to name your Soul.

  • Pick a name. Simply pick any name that represents your unique version of unconditional love. Often this is a name that feels loving, accepting, and inspiring. Again, this name can change over time.

  • Soul journal. Pose the question in your journal, using Soul or Love as a placeholder. “Soul, what do you want to be called?” or “Love, what is your name?”

  • Meditate. We have a free guided meditation, “Meet and Name Your Soul,” on our website. Use it to raise your brain state and ask your Soul directly for its name.

2. Relax.

Meditating, jogging, or taking a bath can be great ways to prepare yourself to Soul journal. Anxiety is the greatest cause of Soul writing blocks. Find a peaceful place that is comfortable and a time you feel relaxed. It may help to put a hand on your heart to ground and calm your body.

3. Set your intention.

Begin journaling with the intention to connect with your Soul. This is a pivotal step. Before you start journaling, take a moment to inhale and exhale deeply, relax, and set your intention.

4. Just ask.

Begin with questions that aren’t too emotionally charged or stress producing. Do not begin with questions that try to “prove” or validate the Soul’s information to the ego. You can warm up to these questions as you grow your practice and faith. For now, it’s best to keep your mind in a state of receiving information.

5. Start where you are.

The most common reason people get stuck with Soul journaling is because they are avoiding the question that is emotionally up for them in the moment. To learn to wrestle on the mat emotionally, just honestly admit where you are and start there.

Ask the questions weighing on your heart right now. For example, if you think you can’t hear your Soul’s voice clearly, ask what is going on. First, identify your feeling and then ask love’s wisdom how to process and work with that feeling.

6. Ask the right questions.

Again, 80 percent of effective Soul journaling lies in asking the right questions. Lead with questions that address your emotional needs first to bring relief and avoid freezing your process. Then move on to questions that are more practical and focused on life information.

If any information triggers anxiety or fear, stop and refocus your questions on what you need emotionally right now. This will allow you to stay in theta state for receiving guidance.

7. “If I pretended to know?…”

In this practice we will be moving back and forth between states of consciousness. This requires we leave our rational, self-critical minds at the door; it’s best to be playful, not too hard on ourselves, and to leave plenty of room for mistakes.

A beginner’s trick to getting the Soul to respond is simply to pretend. We often use the phrase “Fake it till you make it.” If you are stuck and not receiving information from your Soul, pose this question: “If I pretended to know what love would say, what would it be?”

8. What does love say?

There is a huge difference between talking about love and talking directly to love. This practice is your opportunity to speak to and hear from love.

Don’t overthink what is happening; just be open to how love wants to bless your life. Though the information may not necessarily be what you want to hear, it will always be said in a compassionate voice. If the answers that come back are critical, shaming, or perfectionistic, it is not your Soul speaking.

9. Stick with it.

Like with any relationship, it takes time to get to know your Soul. Having scheduled times when you plan to journal can help the ego to build Soul accountability.

At first, you may mistake intuitive information for what you want to hear or what you think you should do. As with any skill, you will get better at identifying Soul’s voice if you persist.

Differentiating Soul vs. Ego Information

Here are some signs to help you recognize Soul versus ego information:

  • Voice. Over time, you will notice a difference between the writing voice of your egoic questions and the voice of your Soul’s answers. Clients have described their Soul’s voice as being anywhere from eloquent and poetic to unapologetically direct and confident. It will be reflective of your unique Soul’s personality.

  • Accurate intuitive information. You may start to get psychic information that your ego would not otherwise have access to. A common mistake at this phase is to assume, after you’ve gotten one accurate psychic answer, that all answers will be correct thereafter and then to be disheartened when you get a miss. Think of yourself as being like the basketball player who has gotten the ball in the hoop several times but may still not be playing at NBA level. Consistency takes practice. 

Copyright ©2022 by Elisa Romeo, MFT, and Adam Foley.
Excerpted with permission from New World Library.

Article Source:

Holy Love

Holy Love: The Essential Guide to Soul-Fulfilling Relationships
by Elisa Romeo and Adam Foley

book cover of Holy Love: The Essential Guide to Soul-Fulfilling Relationships by Elisa Romeo and Adam FoleyBoth visionary and practical, Holy Love offers a groundbreaking method to ignite profound self-growth and create fulfilling relationships. Weaving together elements of psychology and spirituality, this manual will help you build authentic intimacy by connecting to a wellspring of wisdom and insight — your Soul.

This method activates intuition, empowering us to navigate common relationship issues that can otherwise trap us in an endless cycle of misunderstanding and separation. These techniques clarify and heal conflict in all relationships: marriages, short-term romances, friendships, and those with children and even acquaintances. In this sacred undertaking, instead of giving or receiving love, we become love.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition. 

About the Authors

photo of Elisa Romeo, MFTElisa Romeo, MFT, is a licensed marriage and family therapist, intuitive, and bestselling author of Meet Your Soul: A Powerful Guide to Connect with Your Most Sacred Self. She teaches others how to connect to the still-small voice of intuition in order to access their ultimate and eternal love self. Her worldwide private practice, which grew by word of mouth, consists of thousands of clients, whom she works with by merging her background in depth psychology with an ability to directly communicate with the of Adam Foley

Adam Foley has traveled around India, trained with world-renowned gurus, and became a certified somatic practitioner and yoga instructor. As a healer, he uses spiritual coaching, somatic healing, and his own intuitive abilities to connect people to their Souls.

Elisa and Adam are the authors of Holy Love: The Essential Guide to Soul-Fulfilling Relationships and cohosts of the Holy & Human Podcast.  Together, they help individuals awaken and deepen their soulful nature within relationship. Visit them online at