Explore the intricate world of sleep patterns and how personal storytelling can unravel your unique sleep needs. Find out if you're a lark or an owl and how understanding this can help determine...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

This weekly astrological overview is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as...

Recurring communication issues may signal an underlying mental health disorder, especially if tied to social cognition impairment. Understanding the signs can help identify when relationships are...

Materialism can erode personal relationships by fostering unrealistic expectations and prioritizing wealth over connection. Learn about the impact of materialistic values on happiness, well-being,...

Strength training benefits kids by promoting long-term health, reducing injury risks, and fostering fitness habits from an early age. Discover how strength training builds a foundation for youth...

Collective consciousness has a powerful impact on societal peace and conflict resolution. This article explores how shared beliefs and attitudes can influence societal conditions, reducing...

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Ron Roth, PhD.
The 23rd Psalm is one of the most popular prayers in the Western world. This beautiful collection of words can be the key to reclaiming spiritual power. Most of us recognize the 23rd Psalm's familiar...
If we can begin to understand how the Spirit operates continuously in our lives, then our daily existence will become less stressful and more relaxed, filled less with drudgery and more with enchantme...
Formulas are fine for solving math problems or for figuring out the stress factors in steel beams, but they don't help very much when it comes to healing and prayer. In most cases, you would do better...
One night many years ago when I was struggling with my spiritual journey -- still a Catholic priest but not at all certain I would remain one -- I realized that I had grown weary of the dryness of con...
When I say that the goal of all my work -- whether writing books or giving workshops and healing services -- is to reinvent Christianity, some people think this is either blasphemous or downright pres...
Things happen in our lives because we believe in our subconscious mind that they should be happening. Yet when something bad happens, like an illness, you may say to yourself, "How can this be? I have...