Sometimes there are circumstances that we aren’t meant to change or heal. Sometimes it is time for a soul to move on in its journey. Life is like that. We have, throughout our lives, windows of opportunity through which we can transition right on out of our earthly lives. Dying is part of living, and it is...
In order to be most effective in any intentional act of healing, co-creation, or transformation, all Planetary Healing work starts from and is threaded through the heart center. True wisdom is perceived from the heart. The Heart Breath practice will...
For me, ever since my sister's death in 1987, not only have I grown closer to her, I've also come to see that every decision, risk, adventure, accomplishment, deed, job, presentation, award, relationship, and experience — basically everything in my life — has been impacted and inspired by my relationship with my sister and her heavenly guidance.
Traditional scientists seek to understand a phenomenon through careful observation. They reduce distracting data, or “noise,” to a minimum and control factors that may disturb their observations. Mystics do the same in the realm of mind. They seek to minimize the noise of mental distractions by...
An all too tragic truth is that much too often we exhaust ourselves arguing and even hating over who or what created the Earth, when we ought to be uniting and acting to stop the Earth's degradation, and the degradation of those who dwell on this amazing planet of ours.
It is important to realize that enlightenment is totally dependent upon your own effort. It is not something that a teacher can give you or that you can find outside yourself. Your mind has an enlightened nature which can...
For some people, spiritual guidance comes while sitting quietly in meditation. For others, spiritual guidance comes while taking a quiet walk, or taking a long shower, or washing the dishes quietly, or doing anything quietly. There is no "right" way to attune to your spiritual guidance. The right way for you is...
- By Alan Cohen
I now see this product as symbolic of forgiveness. The name acknowledges that you made a mistake ("goof") but also that it can be undone ("off"). If you have been subject to the tyranny of guilt, this offers an especially important lesson...
- By Diana Cooper
We will have world peace and co-operation. We will live in a world without boundaries, where all are abundant. Our future is golden. During the transition, you and the entire world will be catching glimpses of the glorious future, a time when...
The word 'meditation' comes from the Latin meditari, 'to heal'. If you were to ask me what we are healing, I would say that apart from rejuvenating and calming our whole self, we are healing the disconnection with our real self — the authentic part of us that is in touch with the whole universe...
Awareness calls us far beyond the tangled web of the current geopolitical, social and financial vicissitudes, as we create a new paradigm by restoring heaven on earth. This means we move to new light as quickly as we move from the deepest slumber to the world of waking by dawn arising.
- By Eldon Taylor
There’s something to giving the end-of-life process its due, as opposed to our historical attitude of pretending to ignore death or treating it as though it were a distant taboo — at least, when it comes to having a family discussion about the matter. Here’s the issue...
"I really learned compassion. Before, compassion was a word debated in philosophical schools. But when you’re faced with someone who only wants to harm you, then there is this question of whether you fall into resentment and fear, or...”
The God I believe in may not be the same God you believe in. And the person standing next to you may not believe in God at all. So, shall we divide ourselves and throw stones? For thousands of years the answer seems to have been Yes...
- By Sanaya Roman
The mind is one of your most powerful tools when it clearly receives and interprets the guidance coming from your innermost self. If you want clarity, ask your soul to give it to you. Your soul has the answers, as well as a connection to the flows of...
Living amid the busyness of our high-tech and low-touch society takes us away from fully experiencing our day-to-day lives. We often live on autopilot, doing without experiencing. We can be quick to judge, react, resist, run away, or retreat when things don’t...
Mindfulness meditation is a wonderful way of turning our attention toward spirit. Mindfulness pays attention to what exists, here and now. It shifts attention away from memory, imagination, ideas and concepts...
- By Alan Cohen
When I began to teach classes on spiritual principles, I devoted time at the end of each class to pray for students and their loved ones. One woman asked the group to pray for the continued health of her sister, whose cancer was in remission. At that time...
Do you ever feel that you are totally alone and unsupported in difficult times in your life? The feeling of isolation can be very painful. I have a story to remind us that we are never really alone and there is a beautiful support that we may not even be aware of.
Parents are often at a loss at how to explain the death of a loved one to a child. Some of the common explanations may create more harm than not...
You already know how to make your body tense and rigid by becoming mentally stressed. Tight neck and shoulders, headaches, digestive problems, constipation, and hypertension are all manners of physical ailments resulting from a chaotic, runaway mind. However, you...
by Sarah Stillman. What role has religion played in your life up until now? Most of us tend to adhere to the religion of our parents, but some girls choose to venture on their own spiritual paths. I'm not here to advocate any particular faith, but I do think it's important to have a defined set of religious beliefs — even if that means...
When was the last time you thanked your body for all it does for you on a daily basis? The “inward smile” is an ancient practice, a way to deeply honor the body by acknowledging it and sending it gratitude. It’s also a practice you can begin in the next minute.