Which is more important, a fact or an opinion on any given subject? It might be tempting to say the fact.
There’s been a lot of concern about how conservatives and liberals consume their news from sources that merely confirm their preexisting beliefs.
How do you know what the weather will be like tomorrow? How do you know how old the Universe is? How do you know if you are thinking rationally?
When I was a little girl, I wanted to be Tarzan, not Jane. Jane was okay, but Tarzan was who I really identified with the most. He could talk to the animals and they talked back to him and they understood each other. There was a bond between them, and the animal and human worlds were able to forge their friendship and loyalty with one another based on a deep level of respect and trust.
- By Sarah Varcas
Old ways of navigating this life may be falling short of late, with inspiration replaced by a jaded lack of motivation and faith. Growing intensity may feel heavy to many hoping for a lighter wave to ride right now. If that’s you, take heart. Nothing lasts forever, and this solar eclipse reminds us that even in the darkest hour, nourishment is at hand.
- By Sarah Varcas
A solar eclipse occurs at a new moon and sees the light of the sun obscured by the moon. Astrologically, the sun reflects our core will and essence. It reveals the qualities that we manifest as we mature (giving it a future-oriented quality) and the path we must walk to step into an independent, unique expression of our being.
- By Sarah Varcas
21st June 2019 sees a number of astrological events occurring in quick succession, alerting us to a significant energetic shift. At 8:27 a.m. Neptune stations in its own sign of Pisces, beginning its annual five-month retrograde journey. At 2:03 p.m. the Moon becomes void-of-course in Aquarius until it enters Pisces exactly 24 hours later. This is a particularly long stint for a void-of-course moon.
Dreams can often be confusing and blurry experiences. Reduced critical thinking, little to no access to our true memories and heightened impulsivity and emotions during normal dream states often make for head-scratching moments when our eyes first open in the morning.
Herding behavior can make us “individually smarter, but collectively dumber,” according to new research on how people make forecasts in a group.
They can shape public sentiment on everything from climate change to public health. Understanding why people believe them is vital, researchers say.
Science and poetry haven’t always got along. The English poet John Keats (who also trained as a medical doctor) famously wrote the following in his narrative poem “Lamia” in 1819:
- By Kat McAlpine
New research shows just how pliable memory is if you know which regions of the hippocampus to stimulate. The discovery could someday lead to personalized treatment for people haunted by particularly troubling memories.
As we move deeper into the twenty-first century, we find ourselves in the midst of a tremendous and extraordinarily difficult transition from a world fragmented into often hostile groups and ideologies to a world where people are united by their common humanity. Our dreams hold the potential to transform the...
Dreams want us to heal. And they are prepared to do everything in their power to help us to do so—even plague us with nightmares, if that’s what it takes to get our attention. But what if we keep having nightmares?
When you wake up in the middle of the night in total darkness, it can feel as if you have auditory superpowers.
- By Alan Cohen
When we need to know a truth, we tend to look outside ourselves for answers, and the last place we look is in our own heart. Meanwhile, all that we could ever need to know abides at the core of our being.
Homo sapiens means wise human, but the name no longer suits us. As an evolutionary biologist who writes about Darwinian interpretations of human motivations and cultures, I propose that at some point we became what we are today:
- By Sarah Varcas
Have you ever noticed how opportunities seem to drift your way at certain times like big waves that suddenly wash ashore? If you were a surfer, you might wait all day to find the right wave to ride -- that incredibly big one with all of the power behind it. You get ready for that big wave and then...
- By Nick Chater
The question of whether personality is the result of nature or nurture has plagued researchers – and the general public – for decades.
- By Lee Milteer
The purpose of developing awareness of your intuition is that it helps keep you safe in all ways. When you use your intuition correctly, you will be able to read the unsavory energies of morally bankrupt people’s lies and deceptions. Highly successful people from all over the world have shared over and over how they use their intuition or sixth sense to determine the choices they make.
- By Alexis Blue
New research clarifies how we understand metaphors—like “grasping” an idea—and how that process is rooted in our bodily experience.
Just as there is day and night and two sides to every coin, whenever there is negativity there is also positivity. And just as negativity can block your intuition so, too, can unrealistic positivity.