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Play "pretend" with me here for a moment and ask yourself, What if we weren't constantly being bombarded with propaganda and fearful images all the time—first pumped out by the church and then the media?

Maybe instead of being a chronic condition, fear would become what it actually should be: An appropriate response to physically threatening situations that helps us survive.

Have you ever wondered why cartoons, specifically designed to entertain tiny children, are so incredibly violent? Mice beating cats over the head with mallets, coyotes falling off cliffs, bombs blowing up in people's faces ... who thought that up?

I know I’m going way out on a limb here, but consider this: What if kids didn’t see 200,000 acts of violence before they were 18?

What if babies and children were left to develop with no lower frequency interference waveforms modulating their brains?

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And what if parents weren’t so afraid and rule-bound?

What if society wasn’t so afraid, constricted and hierarchical?

The ego sense of an individual self would still develop, but maybe the ego would evolve a different kind of structural foundation. With no chronic fears and social restrictions driving the unconscious need for competition, self-protection and struggle, the ego would no longer be a troubled, survival-based creation.

Instead, the ego would be at peace with life from the start.

Well, maybe not at peace. But certainly unlimited.

Freedom to Be

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, the 20th century Indian mystic also known as Osho, was one of the most unfettered spiritual thinkers and teachers of his time. In his book Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic, he talks about how he was raised—or rather not raised.

An unruly rebel, from infancy onwards he was allowed to run free and do whatever he wanted. Wear clothes, go naked, eat, don't eat, go to school, don't go to school. He had no responsibilities. If his mother sent him to the shop to get milk for the family, he'd just as likely run off and spend days in the jungle by himself. By the time he was 12, his favorite pastime was hanging out in the local temples, arguing theology with the priests.

He was a thoroughly impossible child. Just reading about his youthful years, I wanted to throttle him for his mother's sake! And yet the spiritual mind that arose from this unrestricted, uncontrolled and uncontrollable childhood was astonishing.

"This is one of the most significant things about all human beings: their love is always for somebody. It is addressed and the moment you address your love, you destroy it. It is as if you are saying, 'I will breathe only for you, and when you are not there, then how can I breathe?’

“Love should be like breathing. It should be just a quality in you wherever you are, with whomsoever you are. Even if you are alone, love goes on overflowing from you. It is not a question of being in love with someone – it is a question of being love.”  Source:

If only we were raised outside the fearsome World of Rules and Control that is the matrix, this is how I imagine we all could be.

Unconcerned with having to be better than the other kids in first grade in order to get into the right prep school in order to get into the right college in order to get a good paying job in order to survive, there would be no need to be “better than” another person because there would be nothing to prove in order to “win” at life.

Instead of getting psychically slammed by the judgments, unhappiness and impatience driving parents, teachers and peers, instead of being barraged by negative media messaging, our innate freedom-loving nature would be allowed to flourish and flower unmolested.

Who hasn’t looked into the innocent shining eyes of a young child and thought, “I wish you could stay that innocent forever darling.” Well, what if they could? What if the light in those eyes was never extinguished? What if brutality and inattention, neglect and need and insecurity never entered their sweet young lives?

Impossible, you think. Something always comes along to dim the light of that trust. But what if it didn’t?

What If...?

What if our naturally loving spirits were allowed to shine, and that’s all we ever saw reflected in others and knew about ourselves? What if we grew up in the energetic field of love and constantly saw the power of love as the force of life itself reflected back to us from everyone we encountered?

What if love/life instead of fear/death were the 24/7 message?

I don’t know about you, but I'm practically hyperventilating just writing these words!

We’re so accustomed to pain and suffering, fear and doubt, anxiety and confusion as our default condition, we think this debilitated state is normal. We can hardly imagine a world where these emotions don’t run the show. But what if we never lost sight of our loving nature in the first place?

Pause... Deep breath...

If we already are the beings of love that we desire to be ... if we are spirit ... we don’t need to evolve. We don’t need to buy a million self-help books to get better. We just need to be left alone to be ourselves. And to get to that unmolested place, we need to turn around and see what we are not so we can see what we are.

Many Eastern spiritual traditions teach that enlightenment is not the end result of an evolutionary “I’m getting better and better all the time” process. Rather they teach it’s an act of removing the veils (programming) that obscure the truth.

Take a look at these two statements. Which is simpler? Which is more empowering?

#1: "I am a spirit being of pure love who incarnated and never stopped being a being of pure love. There is nothing I need do except see this truth.”

#2: “I am a spirit being of pure love who incarnated, got lost and became an undeveloped creature who needed to go to Earth School in order to evolve through countless lifetimes (and countless seminars) to become good enough to know and join God.”

Kind of a different message?

Deep down we all know there is a radically different life we are destined to live—a new kingdom we are meant to create here on Earth.

This is what is coming.

Yes, we are currently marching, as a whole, through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

We are reaping the consequences of our fear and ignorance and naiveté. We are reaping the harvest of trickery and betrayal.

But we are awakening.

And once awake, together we can do anything.

Key: Embrace Simplicity

Embracing simplicity is probably one of the hardest keys to embody because we've been trained to believe that the more complicated something is the more important and valuable it is.

Complicated people are seen as more interesting and intelligent.

People who are simple-minded have an "intellectual disability."

Our entire modern culture is built on complexity. And yet some of the most brilliant minds of all time praise simplicity as one of the most important of qualities to cultivate.

“Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.”
~ Henry David Thoreau, American author

“There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness, and truth.”
~ Leo Tolstoy, Russian author

“Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.”
~ Sir Isaac Newton, English mathematician and physicist

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”
~ E.F. Schumacher, British economist


I remember a friend and ex-lover who started off as my auto mechanic. Several conversations over my aging truck's hood—conversations that ranged from Bible verse to political ideologies—convinced me that although he'd left school in the eighth grade and rarely read any books or newspapers, Roger's was no common intellect.

But watching him put his hands on a 1980 Lincoln Mark IV engine one day, close his eyes, tune in and hear him say, "Ah, the catalytic converter is failing" was a shock.

"How do you know it's the catalytic converter?" I asked, mystified.

"The engine told me," he said.


Roger pulled his head out from underneath the hood, wiped his hands on an oily rag and looked at me pityingly. "Anything will talk to you. You just got to be quiet and listen."

"So, what else talks to you?"

He shrugged. "Anything. A blade of grass. A tree. Ain't you never talked to a tree?"

What could I say to that except, "No"?

I was thick into my spiritual pursuits at that point and anything that smacked of the mystical had my full attention. So, I asked him to teach me. Obligingly he led me around the backside of his garage and we sat down under a large spreading oak. He plucked a blade of grass with oily blackened fingers and pinched it, closing his eyes, listening.

"What does it say?" I queried eagerly.

"Not much. Ain't gonna rain anytime soon."

I grabbed a blade of grass, pinched and listened, my mind going a thousand miles an hour, and heard ... nothing.

Listening Within...

I spent a lot of time in the ensuing days, pinching blades of grass, hearing nothing. In fact, I never did get the hang of it. My mind was too cluttered. Too complicated. And yet during the course of our short relationship, Roger continued to blow me away me with the things he figured out himself.

For example, one day he casually mentioned that our social security numbers would be "marks" electronically embedded in our wrists some day—marks by which the Devil and the economic elites would know and control us.

This was in the mid-1980s, years before the existence of electronic microchips was common knowledge and years before anybody (except a very few in the conspiracy community) knew about the possibility of biotransactions.

"How do you know that?" I gasped.

Again, the shrug. "Thought about it and it just come to me."

It just come to me. Sigh.

Simplicity: How to Get There

The longer I live the more important the ability to embrace simplicity seems to be. Yet, as with most simple things, simplicity itself seems to elude explanation as to how to get there.

There are a few pointers, however.

  • Cultivate silence.

  • Spend more time in nature.

  • Don't overstimulate yourself with information.

  • Slow down.

  • Quit multitasking—it's not the virtue it's made out to be.

  • Practice letting something you want to know "come to you."

I have a wonderful friend who has the annoying habit of refusing to "google it." We can be riding in the car and I'll say something like, "What's the name of that great song about a little bird and laying your burdens down? You know, by that famous female singer ... what's her name?" And instead of looking it up on our phones, she insists on us using our brains.

"It's in our subconscious somewhere," she says. "Let the information come."

So, don't be too quick to google it.

Clutter is Not Simplicity

  • A cluttered house and/or workspace is often considered to be the reflection of a cluttered mind.

  • Clearing clutter can help energetically.

There's a popular scientific principle called Ockham's Razor thought up by the English philosopher William of Ockham in the 14th century. Basically, it states:

  • Given two competing theories, the simpler theory tends to be the correct one.

This can be applied to all sorts of situations! Last but not least:

  • Stop being impressed by complexity. It only bogs things down.

"A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels," said Albert Einstein in a telegram in 1946.

Protocols To Live By

How new and simple is remembering: "We are spirit"?

How simple is: "Letting love lead"?

How simple is: "Do no harm"?

How simple is: "We are all connected"?

If we all hunkered down and lived lives aligned with these few protocols, how very different our lives would be.

Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted with permission.

Article Source:

BOOK: Cracking the Matrix

Cracking the Matrix: 14 Keys to Individual & Global Freedom
by Cate Montana.

This book explores the nature and presence of what humanity has (erroneously) labeled "evil" on this planet, helping people finally see this non-physical interdimensional Force, understand its agenda, and recognize its blatant presence behind current global events.

Most importantly, the book outlines how to break free of this Force's controlling influences, coaching the reader to stand up in their true spiritual nature, aligned with life/love, ready to create The New Earth that has always been prophesied.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.  Also available as a Kindle edition.

About the Author

A professional journalist specializing in alternative medicine, health, and consciousness, since her (surprise!) awakening in 2007, Cate Montana has written four extremely different books: Unearthing Venus: My Search for the Woman Within; The E Word: Ego, Enlightenment & Other Essentials, her first novel, Apollo & Me, and now Cracking the Matrix: 14 Keys to Individual & Global Freedom.

A champion for the unlimited human experience, she speaks about actualizing and embodying pure love as the antidote to the shadow forces currently keeping humanity from effective sacred activism and true change. She has a master's degree in psychology and lives in Hawaii.

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