Image by Matthias Alder

Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self

Just like the tides that go in and out, the sun who rises and sets, so our life has cycles. We face challenges, and then we attain success, and we continue our journey of life to the next challenge and success... and yes, sometimes we "fail" (or fall) and then get up and keep going, or maybe even change direction as needed.

The one thing that is constant is us... and that we get to choose how we face the things, people, and hurdles in our life. Will we stay on the shore looking out feeling helpless, or will we grab our surfboard and work with the waves as they come in, and learn to ride the energy. The energy around us is of great importance: who we surround ourselves with, the food and thoughts we put in our body, the energy we absorb, and the choices we make. 

Many of us want to make a difference in the world, yet perhaps we think "what can I do? I'm just one person." Yet one plus one plus one can go on, ad infinitum. When we set our heart and our intent on changing ourselves to become Love and discard the other "stuff" that is unlike Love, we make a difference first with ourselves, and then the energy that we emit makes a difference with everyone we come in contact with. And then that energy keeps reverberating like ripples in a pond.

So yes, we can, and we do, make a difference... and we start with "cleaning up our own house", cleaning up our heart and mind and becoming "pure of heart" and letting that energy flow out into the world. We face our challenges with heart, with courage (the word courage comes from the French word for heart, coeur). We can do it! It is completely up to us, individually and collectively. Let's grab our figurative surfboards and start riding the waves! 

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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

Marie T. Russell and Robert Jennings
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"



This Week's Astrological Overview

♥ Your InnerSelf To Do List 

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