Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke
In this Article:
- The eight essential elements of wisdom.
- How resilience and positivity can improve your life.
- The role of kindness and humility in emotional intelligence.
- Why creativity and curiosity are key to personal growth.
- How tolerance and spirituality foster a fulfilling life.
Your Roadmap to More Wisdom and Happiness
by Laura Gabayan, MD, MS
The new year is an exciting time of new beginnings. It’s a time for reflecting on our lives, considering ways that we’d like to improve upon them, and committing to making a needed change.
This year, why not aim for an improved outlook that will last through 2025 and beyond — something you can continually work on and that will improve your life in every way?
I recently completed the Wisdom Research Project in which I interviewed 60 wise adults and was able to scientifically define the eight elements that comprise wisdom. I’ve since found that while these eight elements define wisdom, they really serve as the secret to living a great life.
In this new year, resolve to incorporate one or more of these elements into your life and thrive!
1. Resilience
The most common element of wisdom we identified was resilience, or the attitude that, regardless of the obstacle, we will keep moving forward. Resilient people don’t give up. Most of the interviewees had overcome great obstacles. Instead of being bitter, they were at peace and felt that their hardship had taught them valuable lessons.
Resilience allows us to approach life as a warrior and not a victim. To be resilient, first be grateful for the challenge. Embrace what’s happening and know that you’re ready to take on the challenge.
2. Kindness
Kindness is universally revered by all cultures. As Mark Twain said, “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
For the interviewees, it was not only how they interacted with the world, but how they treated themselves.
Being kind isn’t costly or difficult to do. It can start with small acts, such as smiling at others or giving compliments. The first step is putting it on your radar and making kindness an important part of your life.
3. Positivity
Positivity was the third element in my study and is about perspective. We can all benefit from being more positive in 2025. Remember that, while we can’t control our environment, we can control our thoughts.
My study further revealed that all of the elements are related — to be resilient, for example, you need to be positive. Positivity is also contagious. Positivity attracts positivity, and it’s often a way to counter negativity. It not only feels good to be positive, but it can also improve your health and well-being.
4. Spirituality
The element of spirituality arose from the interviewees’ belief that a higher power exists. This higher power can be interpreted in various terms, such as the universe, the divine, the great Spirit, God, and so on. The key is that, even though it remains ethereal, we sense it. Regardless of whether intellect or logic can explain it, it’s a gut instinct.
Spirituality is a belief that some unseen power is watching over us or guiding us through our lives. Knowing this brings comfort and peace.
5. Humility
Humility is a well-recognized virtue, yet in these times, it’s taken a backseat to an almost pathological need to show off. But it’s a key element of wisdom as it leads to a heightened sense of emotional intelligence and enables better social connections.
As C.S. Lewis said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” Increase humility by letting go of ego. Humble persons, regardless of their position in life, are receptive to learning from others and to improving themselves.
6. Tolerance
Tolerant people are open-minded and considerate of other perspectives. They are able to keep an open mind and be considerate of different cultures, ideas, and experiences. This doesn’t mean that they lack their own opinions, but that they respect themselves and others.
Developing more tolerance involves being respectful and receptive to other’s viewpoints.Recognize that we all have something to contribute and approach diverse ideas with an open mind.
7. Creativity
Creativity is an innate property that we all share. We tend to categorize people as “creative,” but we all have this quality. It’s just that some of us have gotten used to quieting our creativity.
Creativity is using our imagination to go beyond obvious possibilities. Being creative allows us to question what is, and then think about what could be.
8. Curiosity
Curiosity, while the final element that makes up wisdom, is the driving force behind all the elements. Similar to creativity, having curiosity is an innate talent we all possess. It allows for change, growth, and discovery.
Being curious and taking an interest in what lies beyond the most obvious or simple concepts develops our thirst for exploring new possibilities. Curiosity is especially important in this age of dis- and mis-information. Curiosity can serve us all in 2025 and beyond.
A Roadmap to Wisdom
Incorporating one or more of these eight elements into the new year will truly enhance your life. Making these a priority can take time, so be patient with yourself.
* Remember to view obstacles with resilience, positivity, and creativity.
* Regard situations with an air of curiosity.
* Treat people with kindness, humility, and tolerance.
* Open yourself to spirituality and live in faith, not in fear.
Use these life skills as a roadmap to wisdom and a more fulfilling life.
Copyright 2025. All Rights Reserved.
Book by this Author:
BOOK: Common Wisdom
Common Wisdom: 8 Scientific Elements of a Meaningful Life
by Dr. Laura Gabayan.Common Wisdom unveils the discoveries of The Wisdom Research Project, a fascinating journey led by Dr. Gabayan to explore the timeless question: What is Wisdom? Through engaging interviews with 60 wise individuals across North America, Dr. Gabayan uncovers 8 essential elements they share.
While rooted in scientific research, this book is beautifully written in a way that makes the profound insights accessible and relatable to everyone. It's not just a study—it's a secret formula for achieving happiness and success.
For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Available as an Audiobook, a Kindle edition, paperback and hardcover.
About the Author
Dr. Laura Gabayan is a world-renowned physician and expert in research. Through her Wisdom Research Project, she interviewed 60 wise adults across North America and defined the 8 fundamental elements of wisdom. She describes her findings in her new book, Common Wisdom: 8 Scientific Elements of a Meaningful Life (Redwood Publishing, March 17, 2024). For more information, visit
Article Recap:
The eight elements of wisdom—resilience, kindness, positivity, spirituality, humility, tolerance, creativity, and curiosity—serve as a guide to living a more fulfilling and meaningful life. These elements are interconnected and enhance personal growth, emotional intelligence, and well-being. Incorporating these values fosters better relationships, encourages creativity, and helps individuals overcome obstacles with grace and positivity. Embracing these elements can create a roadmap to a thriving and fulfilling life in 2025 and beyond.