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In this Article:

  • What is nonduality, and how can it lead to permanent happiness?
  • How does Advaita Vedanta reveal the unity of Self and happiness?
  • What quantum physics and neuroscience say about the nature of existence.
  • How we can rest in our true self and experience lasting peace.
  • Why do beliefs and knowledge need to be abandoned for true happiness?

Nonduality: Your Key to True Wholeness and Lasting Happiness

by Scott Flynn.

Nonduality is a way of Being, a way of perceiving life for what it actually is, not what we have mistaken it to be. Nonduality merges the 8,000-year-old knowledge of the Eastern Vedic philosophy of Advaita Vedanta with the modern brilliance of quantum physics, neuroscience and psychology.

This unity of the Eastern and Western hemispheres allows you to realign with the underlying reality of yourSelf; the nature of existence, so to experience again the wondrous awe not witnessed since childhood.

Advaita literally means ‘not 2’ or ‘one without a second’. Advaita states that the Self is the single one reality, i.e. Self is ‘one without a second’, and is the exclusive residence of peace, happiness and love. Therefore knowing yourSelf directly AS yourSelf you experience peace, happiness and love inherently and permanently.

Ego Has Never Been Located

Physicists, neuroscientists and psychologists have been claiming for over 100 years that what we perceive as the world and ourself is not what we think it is or who we think we are. Many of these professionals state that matter does not exist, or that consciousness does not arise from our brains, or that an ego has never been located.

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The following quotes are profound statements from some of the most expert people in their field. These quotes reinforce that everything we have been taught in our life is a misperception.

Quantum physicist Max Planck, known as the Father of Quantum Physics, once stated,

”As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such!”

Recently Bernardo Kastrup, a former engineer at CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research), the 17 mile circumferenced Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, said

“So what quantum physics is telling us is that matter has no stand-alone reality.”

Donald Hoffman is a professor of Cognitive Science at the University of California, Irvine. In his 2019 book, 'The Case Against Reality’, he states,

“We [the scientific community] have no scientific theories that explain how brain activity [matter]—or computer activity, or any other kind of physical activity—could cause, or be, or somehow give rise to, conscious experience. We don’t have even one idea that’s remotely plausible.”

Chris Niebauer is a doctor of cognitive neuropsychology. In his book, No Self, No Problem he states.

“Mistaking the voice in our head and labelling it “me”, brings us into conflict with the neuropsychological evidence that shows there is no such thing.”

In general, the experts say the physical world, which includes you, has no physical standalone existence; that the world as we know it is is a non-permanent illusion. Yet you experience something very permanent…that permanence is yourSelf. By learning how to rest IN and AS yourSelf you experience-directly the wholeness and happiness of this inherent-permanence.

Nonduality: Permanent Wholeness and Happiness

Nonduality could be described as directly experiencing the Western culture evidence derived from quantum physics, neuroscience and psychology by practicing the wisdom of the Eastern cultures, all to witness the permanent wholeness and happiness to which the Eastern and Western intelligence points.

Nonduality exposes via data, facts and your direct-experience and inherent-knowing that the way you have been taught to perceive life is a misunderstanding. This misunderstanding creates a sense of separation from the unity of Self, which generates human suffering. Knowing yourSelf directly collapses this sense of separation and suffering, in which unity is experienced, and peace, happiness and love are witnessed.

The Paradox of It All

The paradox of it all is that you do not need to learn anything new to experience the wholeness of yourSelf. You don’t have to be a physicist, psychologist, cultural anthropologist or theologian to know yourSelf. All that is required is your curiosity, willingness and courage to want to experience what is being pointed to here.

In fact, every topic herein will need to be abandoned eventually. It is in the abandonment of beliefs, ideologies and knowledge that true happiness and peace arise.

Nonduality is the journey back to yourSelf, a distanceless effortless trek back to your Heart, back to the wholeness of reality where unity resides. Your Heart is the place you have been longing to return to your entire life. Nonduality is a vehicle, a way of Being, that graciously guides you and returns you back to the unconditional love and wholeness of yourHeart; yourSelf…welcome home.

Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted with permission.

Book by this Author:

BOOK: Love Outpouring

Love Outpouring: Experiencing Ever-Present Happiness by Illuminating and Eliminating the Difference between Who You Are and What You Have Mistaken Yourself to Be
by Scott Flynn.

book cover of: Love Outpouring by Scott Flynn.Ego shaves the vibrancy-edges off of life, dulling life's inherent wonder, dampening one's love of humanity while concurrently dimming the beauty of the world.  Knowing the difference between who you are and what you have mistaken yourself to be eliminates the ever-fluctuating, life-fragmenting ego, leaving only a permanent aware-presence that re-illuminates the vibrant-wholeness of life that has always been - all to re-establish the eternal wondrous-awe that has not been witnessed since childhood.

Love Outpouring is a gracious invitation from yourSelf to yourSelf to expose the ever-present happiness that is already inherent within You, so that you may experience-directly again the perplexing-awe of life. 

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.  Also available as a Kindle edition. 

About the Author

photo of author, Scott FlynnScott Flynn: Experiencing inherent-truth directly, Scott clearly realized that not only can ever-present happiness be experienced in this lifetime, but it is the preeminent attribute of all 8 billion of us. Scott utilizes the perennial philosophy of Nonduality to point you back to yourSelf, so for you to experience directly the ever-present peace, happiness and love of yourSelf. Scott holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering and is a Founder and former Chief Executive Officer and Chief Impact Officer of two Certified Benefit-Corporations (B-Corps).

Visit the author's website at:

Article Recap: 

This article explains how nonduality can lead to permanent wholeness and happiness. By merging Eastern wisdom, particularly Advaita Vedanta, with insights from quantum physics, neuroscience, and psychology, author Scott Flynn reveals that true happiness and peace come from recognizing the inherent unity of Self and overcoming the misunderstanding of separation. By resting in the true Self, one can experience the wholeness and love that reside in every individual.