The Heritage Foundation's influence on American democracy has steadily increased, eroding democratic principles. Through Project 2025 and decades of policy blueprints, it has worked to concentrate...

Mixed emotions are a fascinating topic in neuroscience, as your brain processes both positive and negative emotions simultaneously. Studies show that while certain brain regions handle conflicting...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

This article unpacks "The Myth of Normal" and explores how the mindset of patriarchy and separation disconnects us from spiritual practice and well-being. By examining the societal norms that fuel...

Radical policy changes, such as tariffs on imports, deportations, and ending climate initiatives, will reshape the U.S. economy. While bold, these policies will lead to inflation, labor shortages,...

Homeowners across the US are facing rapidly increasing insurance premiums due to climate change and more frequent extreme weather events. Rising home insurance rates are driven by increased repair...

  A balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods like those in the Mediterranean diet can enhance your longevity and prevent chronic diseases. Learn practical tips to transition to healthier...

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Dan Millman
Life is a great school, and nature is the ultimate teacher, but without awareness, or free attention, we miss life's teachings. Awareness transforms life experience into wisdom, and confusion into cla...
Earth is a perfect school, and daily life is the classroom. This idea is hardly new, but what follows will help you appreciate the full value of your life experience. And once this central premise pen...
If Earth is a school, then what does graduation feel like? What’s waiting for you on the mountaintop? Could your life be more mysterious than you can see from the valley of conventional awareness?
No matter where you go, and no matter what the clock-face reads, you are always right here, right now. Purposes tied to past or future have no reality; they are phantom concepts conjured by the mind....
The balance between career, calling, and family will naturally change over time, so reevaluating and fine-tuning this balance can help transform midlife crises into midcourse corrections and create a...
Sometimes we may feel as if we haven't discovered our purpose. However, each moment brings with it a new purpose, right now in the moment. Zen sword master Taisen Deshimaru reminded his students, “Be...
While we live, we’re doing something in every moment. That doing may be sleeping and dreaming, or laughing or playing, or sitting very still in meditation, or writing or stretching. Life consists of a...