Help your child start school confidently with practical tips on easing the primary school transition. Learn how to foster excitement, build strong relationships, and manage the demands of...

Most household food waste is preventable, and with simple strategies, you can make a big difference. Reducing food waste at home not only conserves natural resources but also supports...

Dream science is evolving rapidly with breakthroughs in dream recall and lucid dreaming. New research is shedding light on how our waking lives influence our dreams, and how lucid dreamers can...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

Explore the concept of divine appointments and how embracing spiritual encounters can lead to deeper purpose and joy through meaningful connections in your life.

Uncover the natural causes of inflation and the impact of economic policies on rising prices. This article explores how global events, supply chain disruptions, and government actions contribute...

  Life flows like a river, shaped by the positive energy we channel into it. Just as a river meanders, encountering rapids and calm waters, so too does our life follow a course shaped by our...

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How we attune to ourselves or others may be different for each of us depending on which of the four styles of empathy—cognitive, emotional, intuitive, and spiritual—we relate to most strongly.
This article debunks 10 common myths about leadership and change, from the idea that leaders are born, not made, to the misconception that leadership is a solo endeavor. Learn how shifting your perspe...
In today’s politically and culturally divisive climate, learning to disagree without disrespect is more important than ever. Bridging the divide between differing opinions fosters understanding, empat...
18 compelling reasons why Donald Trump should not be re-elected. Learn about the dangers and consequences of another Trump presidency.
Learn how translating and understanding energetic pet behavior and the chakra system can lead to a happier, more balanced life for both your animal companion and you. Transform your pet's behavior wit...
Test your knowledge of hybrid work rules for both office and remote settings with this six question quiz. Learn how to navigate hybrid work successfully and enhance your work experience and results.
Humor in the workplace can boost morale, enhance team bonding, and improve productivity. Discover the benefits of workplace humor and how to use it effectively.
Investing in education can greatly reduce the cost of ignorance. Discover 4 strategic ways to improve educational access and outcomes, from early childhood to professional certifications, and understa...
In life, we are often faced with challenges that make us question our abilities and capabilities. The initial moment of pause where we ask ourselves, " Can I do this?" is a common experience shared by...
It’s never too late to tip the scales toward compassion and goodness. A lack of empathy has helped get us into this personal and global predicament. Reclaiming it will help get us out.
In the golden hues of retirement lies an unexplored frontier not of cessation, but of rebirth and innovation. The narrative of retirement as the final curtain call is as outdated as an operating syste...
How do you pack for a year away?” Our approach was to bring as little as possible. A trip around the world seemed hard enough. Why add the burden of huge suitcases?
Homeowner insurance policies can be scary. Many homeowners aren’t sure what their insurance covers or how much insurance they really need. While we all want a good deal on insurance, choosing limits b...
When conception and pregnancy come with effort, or not at all, the risk is to set oneself up to feel like a failure or, alternately, to try everything in the hopes of being “good enough” to conceive.
As an interior designer, I focused my process on first understanding how people felt in their homes, and how they wanted to function there going forward. Sometimes that meant helping my clients embrac...
My surgeon told me I should never run again. As a competitive runner, outdoor athlete, and writer, I was determined to prove him wrong. I trained my mind to heal my body.
One of the biggest blocks to empathy is a fear of being vulnerable and then overwhelmed. It either seems too painful or unsafe to lovingly explore your own emotions or that you risk getting burned out...
I never knew how extreme an impact reviewing one’s life can have, or writing a book about it. I’ve learned that in facing traumatic memories, it’s essential to have the support you need to proceed.
This article is written with the purpose of asking your employer for feedback, however some of its tenets can also be applied to asking friends, loved ones, where you volunteer, committees you are on,...
If there’s one phrase in the English language that has both befuddled and enraged people for generations, it’s let it go. It infuriates us because despite our deep longing to do such a thing, letting...
For a while after my family returned from a year of travel around the world, it seemed we had ruined sightseeing for my children.